About Us
The Department of General Surgery was established in the year 1986 and provides state-of-the-art surgical care to both common and complex conditions of the body. The department is renowned to perform surgeries pertaining to the gastrointestinal system, pancreatico-biliary system, head & neck lesions, breast diseases and soft tissue lesions among others. The department is also well adept in minimal access surgeries. It is one of the key departments of the institution, which is well equipped with modern amenities. The general surgery team strives for excellence in clinical practice and ensures complete patient safety and satisfaction. The department is continuously updated with the developments in the world around and employs cutting edge technology for the benefit of its patients. The department is also well known for undergraduate and postgraduate training.
Head of department’s message

Dr. Prakash DaveProfessor & HOD
Dear visitors,
The Department of General Surgery has 20 qualified, highly experienced dedicated and dynamic surgeons with 4 Professors, an 2 Assoociate Professors and 6 Assistant Professors, in addition there are 8 Senior Residents, who are all very enthusiastic and academically orientated. We have five independent surgical units and I consider myself very privileged to be leading this department in my capacity as HOD.
The volume of General Surgery is enormous, 24 hours Casualty Emergency cases are attended . In addition Surgical Super specialties like surgical oncology , Radiation Oncology Urology, Pediatric Surgery, Neurosurgery and Plastic Surgery, Minimal accesses surgery and Endoscopy are being done.
There are 12 well equipped; state of art modular Operation theator supported with attached post operative recovery room and surgical intensive care unit. We have separate emergency casualty Operation theatres attached to Casualty department.
We have 150 Surgical beds which are fully equipped for the needs of the patient.
Surgical OPD is equipped with Minor operation theator and a seminar hall for teaching students with the requisite teaching aids. Faculty members in each unit have separate consulting Chambers in the OPD.
Our OPD. Attendance, and ward occupancy is above 85% to 90%.
At present we have multiple batches of MBBS Students posted in individual units. They have regular bedside clinics, and seminars. They also work in Casualty and are exposed to accident and trauma cases on rotational basis. Their progress has been assessed by conducting regular internal assessments.
Department is conducting regular academic meet, Journal Club, Subject Seminar, Radiology meet, Clinical Seminar and Clinical Pathology meets. Department is equipped with its Own library having latest edition text books, Journals and good teaching aids for the benefit of students.
Our greatest strength is the excellent relationship shared between Teaching staff and students. This in my opinion is a pre- requisite for a wholesome learning experience and we strive to be better in every way we can.