About Us

With the nation prioritizing Emergency Care to all its citizens, Sri Devaraj Urs Academy Of Higher Education And Research took its lead in eastern most part of Karnataka with interstate diversity by creating state of art emergency wing. The Department of emergency medicine has been evolved from its nascent stage of causality to a specialized state of art 24*7 quality emergency medical care with an emphasis on best resuscitation in the golden hour to all kinds of emergencies presenting to R L Jalappa hospital & research center. The department of Emergency Medicine had its advanced Emergency Wing inaugurated on 15 august 2019.

The Department of emergency medicine has been evolved from its nascent stage of causality to a specialized quality Emergency Medicine care with emphasis on best resuscitation in the golden hour to all kinds of emergencies presenting to R L Jalappa hospital & research centre. The department of Emergency Medicine had its advanced Emergency Wing with state of the art 24/7 stat lab and decontamination area for care of toxicology emergencies.