
  • OPD equipped for Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and video laryngoscopy with Karl Storz Telecam Camera system, Karl Storz twin Halogen light source and 42inch HD display monitor
  • OPD equipped with Pentax Flexible Bronchoscope with Light source
  • OPD equipped with 2 Optofine Operating microscope (Opto SM 1) for Otomicroscopy
  • OPD equipped with Rod Telescopes ( 0deg, 30deg, 70deg) for Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and Video laryngoscopy
  • OPD equipped with 2 ENT OPD units- one advanced model and one basic model
  • OT equipped with Karl Storz nasal telescopes and Stryker HD camera console
  • OT equipped with Stryker Microdebrider console
  • Microlaryngeal surgery set of instruments
  • Ventilating bronchoscopes and esophagoscopes- Adult and pediatric with accessory instruments for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
  • All other routine OT and OPD instruments including unipolar and bipolar cautery.