What is cancer?
Cancer refers to the abnormal proliferation of cells within the body.Why does one get cancer?
Although very difficult to pin point the cause in every patient, the risk factors in most cancers include alcohol and tobacco consumption, excessive consumption of red meat (eg. beef), obesity, lack of physical activity (which indirectly leads to obesity) and genetic or familial causesWhat are the common cancers in men and women?
The common cancers in men include lung cancer, oral cavity cancers and prostate cancers. The common cancers in women include breast cancer, cervical cancer and lung cancer.Is there any association of diet with cancer?
Yes, there is an association of excess consumption of red meat and colorectal cancer. High consumption of salty and processed foods are associated with stomach cancer.What are warning symptoms of cancer which one should be aware of?
The warning symptoms include:
- an ulcer or wound that fails to heal.
- a mole which increases in size, changes color or bleeds/itches.
- unexplained weight loss associated with loss of appetite.
- abnormal bleeding from the natural orifices of the body.
- unexplained diarrhoea or blood in stools.
- painless enlarging lumps anywhere in the body.